Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Forgiveness is not always something that is easy give, whether it is to forgive yourself or someone else. Although, forgiveness is an important step in letting go of the past and moving forward. When we have hurt someone or someone has hurt us the pain can linger and ultimately end up consuming us in guilt, fear, stress, anxiety or any number of negative feelings. Do not be naive to assume that when you are consumed by these negative feelings that it does not effect other aspects of your life, including those around you. You can not change the past, because it is forever frozen in time. As hard as this can be to accept it is a fact, what happened in the past will remain there for all eternity, until it is ultimately forgotten. Carrying all of your baggage from the past can make it difficult to carve out a healthy future. Even though the past is forever frozen, the present is ever changing and the future is still yet to be written. Forgiving what can never be changed can be difficult, yet a certain inner freedom will become unleashed once you do. Your past helps to build the person that you are, but it does not have to dictate who you will become. You can not change the past, but you can change the present to create a better future. ~OnElOvE~