Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Believe In Your Own Strength

There are some days when you just want to say, "fuck it". Days where you want to throw your hands up in the air and say, "I give up". Some days you just need to cry. This doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. Feelings can be overwhelming sometimes and can get the better of you. It can be hard to see the light on those days. I feel like it is okay to sometimes just shut your eyes and find solace in the darkness for a little while.To allow yourself to fully feel your emotions, to give yourself permission to grieve, to cry, to work out whatever it is that is troubling you. However, eventually you must once again open your eyes and come back into the light. Know that your bad days will pass and believe in your own inner strength. Believe in your ability to work through the hard times. These are the moments that build your character... that define you. ~OnElOvE~

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dare to Dream

The greatest discoveries in life were made by the biggest thinkers. If we believe in the limitations others place on us then we are defeated before we begin. It was once thought that the world was flat...imagine if no one had challenged that theory. If no one had that drive...that stubbornness to go against the crowd...then we would've never known that the earth is round. When you take the word "can't" away...anything becomes possible. If you can dream it and it is important than you find a way to do it, to make that dream your reality. To choose happiness over complacency, to have the courage to take a leap of faith, into the unknown. To trust your instincts and follow your heart to where it feels happy, feels safe, feels home. To say I can't will only bring a life of regret. A life of wondering what could have been...and maybe what should have been. So think bold, think big and when your ideas are met with skepticism and doubt just smile...because you know that you are one of the big thinkers. One of those who is not afraid to not only dream...but turn their dreams into reality. I choose to dream, be happy and not believe that any star is out of reach...what do you choose? ~OnElOvE~