Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Please Stop The Pity Party People

I am tired of people complaining about their circumstances but taking no action to change the situation. If you are unhappy with something in your life then change it. If you do not like where you live...move, if you do not like your job...find a new one, if you do not like your friends...change them, you feel me? Change does not always come easy for everyone and it can take time and some actual effort, but it is absolutely possible if you really want it bad enough. Too many people just sit around talking shit and complaining but never do anything about it. As if they are waiting for a golden ticket to fall from the sky to instantly make their dreams come true. Wake up people...real change comes from within and you will end up wasting your entire life waiting for your golden ticket. You can not expect to be given everything in life, you must learn to earn it on your own. There is much more satisfaction in knowing that you earned something that you really wanted rather than having a hand out. Everyone has had their own personal struggles in life and you can not tell by looking at someone what their struggles have been. So before you go complaining about how terrible your life is and how it will never get any better, think about what others have been through. Convert the energy you use to complain and feel sorry for yourself into energy that can make change happen. If you just take a second to slow down, you will see that life is a lot more simple than you imagine it to be.

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