Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Light Within You Child

I cry out to those children everywhere,
Don’t let go of hope and get lost in despair,
Look inside your soul for there is a light that makes you unique,
Reach down deep...and allow it to shine free.
I know life can be hard and dark some days,
Quietly watching your youth slip away,
Facing realities that you shouldn’t be child,
Let go of the burden and just be young for a while.
A loss of innocence by no choice of your own,
You never asked to be born into a broken down home,
But it is what it is and you step up to survive,
Doing whatever you can just to stay alive.
Some don’t understand for they’ll never be in your shoes,
Keep fighting child and refuse to lose,
Life has many paths and it is yours to decide,
Whether to follow in suit or step out from the stride.
Use the light within you to lead your way,
To help you to seek refuge in your darkest day,
Your experiences although painful will help you to grow wise,
Don’t let life beat you up and keep your dreams alive.

~Lesley Ouellette

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