Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Be Extraordinary

You have to take chances in life. Nothing great was ever accomplished in this world, without someone stepping outside of their comfort zone. Someone taking a chance, and each and every one of us has the ability to do that. I’m not saying that everyone has to do something extraordinary to show the whole world. Just be extraordinary within your own world. If you have been wanting to do something for a long time, think about what is holding you back. Then think about what is NOT holding you back. Fear of the unknown is natural and it is fear that holds many people back. Fear of the what ifs can keep people from stepping outside of their comfort zone and never moving forward in the way they would like. The thing is, the future is never guaranteed. So why waste energy worrying about what might go wrong? By doing that, you might as well worry about the what ifs in your current situation. I’m not necessarily talking about doing something major like up and moving to a foreign land or selling all of your belongings to go follow Phish...but maybe I am. You want to be able to look back at your life, not just from the end but look back from any moment and be able to smile at times when your life was extraordinary. Because those are the crucial moments that mold you, teach you and validate the wonderfully unique and awesome person that you are.

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