Sunday, July 8, 2012

Believe In Yourself

Sometimes in the course of our life we have to make decisions that are hard. Life is not black and white and there are no right and wrong decisions. Each mistake that we make is knowledge that we gain, each misplaced step is wisdom that can only come through failure. Others will not always agree with your decisions, or give you the kind of support you desire but as long as you are following your heart, you will prevail. When others see you empowered and making good choices it can be easy for them to discourage you, but not because you will fail, but because they do not want to see you succeed. Run from these people and don't listen to their know what you are capable of, and the strength that is inside you. Block out negativity and keep focused on what feels right in your heart. Even if the road looks rocky ahead, hold your head high, secure your footing and keep pushing forward. You efforts will be rewarded as long as you stay true to yourself. Self doubt will creep into your mind at times but don't allow it to take over. Remind yourself that you are powerful, because you have the power of choice and the power to carve your own path. Believe in the power of yourself and your possibilities will be infinite. ~OnElOvE~

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