Friday, July 27, 2012

Healing After Tragedy

In the wake of the Aurora Colorado movie theater shooting I wanted to dedicate this post on my blog to not only these victims...but those who have lost their lives to violence all throughout the world. As horrific as this tragedy is we need to keep in mind that this is happening not only in our own back yards but in countries all over the globe. Let's not think in terms of our nationalities but in as humans of this earth that we all must share. Too many people lose their lives everyday for no fault of their own and we should take a moment to remember them. It is frightening to think that there are those who believe that taking another persons life will in someway help their cause. Life is so fragile and it is important that we remember that, and encourage others to do the same. Our humanity is what makes us human, makes us different...our compassion and empathy for others is strong, which is such a positive thing. When something like a murder happens, whether it be a homicide, massacre, genocide, etc., it makes us pause and remember how fragile we really are. But something else that makes us human is our ability to gain strength from those moments that bring us to our knees. Yes, we could go on through life scared of becoming the victim of a senseless crime, but to live in fear is just not an option. We need to keep in mind that we are no more vulnerable today than we were yesterday or will be tomorrow. As long as there are those out there who do not value human life, we are all at risk of being caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Grieve for those who have lost their lives too soon, and carry their memory and light on by facing the world with a new found appreciation for all the little things that make life memorable. Let moments like these bring into light what is important in your life...hug your loved ones a little tighter, reach out to those who you have wanted to reconnect with, mend broken fences and take time to notice the rainbows after the rain storm.

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