Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ending Marijuana Prohibition Once And For All

I strongly believe in ending marijuana prohibition. I'll ask you to take the stereotypical image of a lazy teenager, smoking pot and eating cookies out of your head for this piece. There are many professionals out there who enjoy smoking marijuana, who can not be as outspoken on the subject as they would like to be for fear of persecution. I like to think that I represent these individuals, who may not be able to take a public stance but can certainly privately vote in elections without the fear of disapproving eyes. There is a movement taking place to end marijuana prohibition, and I firmly believe that my generation will see this happen. The move to decriminalize marijuana is one that crosses all races, genders, religions, socioeconomic status and cultures. For those who cast a disapproving eye, you should keep in mind that a similar movement happened in the early 1900's that allows you to have a glass of wine with your dinner. Alcohol prohibition not only occurred in the US but also in other parts of the world such as Finland, Russia, Norway, Hungary, Australia, Mexico, Europe, the UK and parts of Canada and Denmark all throughout the late 1800's and early 1900's. What most of these places experienced during this time of prohibition was a sharp increase in crime, thus eventually leading the the end of alcohol prohibition. As I see it now, history is merely repeating itself but in a different form. As there are supporters of ending marijuana prohibition there are also those who are against it. I personally feel as if most of these individuals are not only fearful and skeptical of the unknown, but have also been misinformed and misguided as to the benefits of marijuana. Legalization would not only bring change to individuals but to society as a whole. Individuals would no longer be arrested, and have their criminal record permanently scarred  all over being caught with a joint or two. This can really do severe damage to someone's career, family and life as a whole. Alcohol causes many problems in society including traffic accidents, violence, domestic problems among other crimes, yet it is legal. Marijuana does not have such extreme effects on those who use it, and it rarely leads to any problems other than legal issues for possession and/or use. The medical benefits of THC have really come into the spotlight in the past few years, which has allowed some states to approve medicinal marijuana use and open dispensaries for patients to pick up their prescriptions.  It has been scientifically proven that marijuana helps patients of a variety of ailments and illnesses. It can help ease the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis, asthma, glaucoma, among countless other illnesses, and has also been found to destroy cancer cells in the body. Many patients find marijuana a welcome relief from traditional narcotic pain medication which can become extremely addictive and can cause damage to your body with long term use. It seems quite asinine that a plant that can do so much to benefit people is illegal, and this mindset is quickly catching on. We would be naive to believe that the "war on drugs" has been effective in preventing drug use and abuse in society. The government is wasting time and money arresting everyday people and treating them as criminals because they choose to smoke marijuana either recreationally or medicinally. Ending marijuana prohibition would not only give our jails and judicial system some relief, but would cause a decrease in crime, and add to the countries revenue. So I am still puzzled as to why there are those out there who believe that decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana is a bad idea. The government could earn more in legalizing, controlling and taxing the marijuana industry, then they are paying out to stop it. Taking it even one step further....I also wonder why industrial hemp has not been legalized to farm in the US? Hemp has so many uses and can make products like soap, makeup, lotion, plastic, paper, paints, clothing, concrete, and even food, among countless other uses. The hemp plant can be regrown much quicker than a tree and not only helps to save our planets resources, but also cuts down on the amount of pollution on land, air and sea. The marijuana plant has so many uses it is amazing that it is still illegal. The ending marijuana prohibition movement is gaining momentum and many states will have bills on the ballot this upcoming election year pertaining to the current marijuana laws and changing them. I encourage all those who vote to pay special attention at the ballots this year, and keep in mind that your vote is private and for your eyes only. If everyone comes together we can help end this ridiculous ban on marijuana. Wake up your eyes...embrace change...and remember that it is up to YOU to make things happen. ~OnElOvE~

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