Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Dog Buddy...Lost But Never Forgotten

It is amazing how our little four legged friends can bring us such love and comfort. They are our protectors, secret keepers, comforters and best friends. They help us to be brave when we are scared, smile when we think there is nothing left to smile about, and help to bring out the very best in us. Sometimes dogs briefly touch our lives, leaving much too soon, while others become a long chapter in the story of our lives. I was lucky enough to have my life touched for 12 great years by my Brittany Spaniel Buddy. While most dogs spend the majority of their lives in one place with trips to the dog park and occasional car rides, Buddy was an adventurer. He loved to travel, and was rarely ever left behind. He frolicked in the lakes and rivers in New Hampshire, ran in the open desert canyons of Arizona, chased birds in the fields and played in the creeks in Ohio, ran and swam at the beaches of New England and rolled in the grass of Boston Common. For almost 12 years he was faithfully by my side, sharing in all of my adventures, sorrows and triumphs. He was always happy and forever curious...like a cat, he had 9 lives! On June 7th 2011 while I was flying home from Aruba, Buddy ran into the woods and was never seen again. Despite my best efforts, he was never found. Losing a pet is hard, especially when they have been your faithful companion for so long. I guess I was spared the agony of having to put him to sleep, or to find him passed away on my living room floor. I don't know his reasons for leaving, maybe he was sick and I didn't know, maybe he thought I wasn't coming back, maybe he went to find me and got lost....whatever the case he is no longer by my side and I miss him terribly. As sad as it is, it is almost fitting that he is out there somewhere...whether it is here on earth or running in the fields of heaven. My only prayer is that wherever he is, that he is happy and knows that he will always be a part of me. He was my first dog and taught me so much about myself and the world in general. Buddy...wherever you are...you are in my heart and I love and miss you everyday. XOXO ~OnElOvE~

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