Friday, July 6, 2012

Which Path To Choose

Sometimes in life we make bad decisions, and for some of us our lives are almost entirely made up of a series of bad decisions. One bad decision leads into another one, and what we think  is the right thing to do is actually the wrong thing. It can be confusing. Now you may find yourself at your next crossroads in life...each path completely foreign that lies before you. Life doesn’t come with a road map and we carve our own paths. There are times that we happen to look up and realize that we are lost. We are no longer on that comfortable path that we once treaded so effortlessly, for it has turned into thick brush and loose gravel...much harder to navigate. Now you look around you, and you are free to flow in any direction you’d like. Look to the sky for your hopes, dreams and aspirations, but there is no golden staircase leading the way. To get there one must choose the right path, and thus the question remains...which way to go?

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