Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chasing Lost Dreams

I've been shattered and displaced,
A life lived...but in haste,
I always choose the hard road, hard-nosed,
Gotta see for myself, that's the way I roll.
I chase dreams that end up nightmares,
And they take me from here to there,
Never leaving me in a place I feel safe,
Time slips by...I look's erased.
Dreams are lost, through my fingers like water,
Sprinkled on roots that won't grow any farther,
And here I stare, at a new sun rising,
Terrified of whats on the horizon,
And the wind whispers, "Take time to smell the roses."
But my mowers gone mad and I'm just running shit over.
Life is a force...that goes forward...never back,
But I can't seem to walk it without debris in my path.
I used to be strong...but I've been ripped down over time.
Now it's time to get up girl...
There's no fucking rewind.
                                             ~Lesley Ouellette

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