Monday, June 25, 2012

Keep Dreaming

It is important for us to have dreams...things that we aspire to do or be. Even if a dream is not exactly practical it is ok to still have it none the less. I have a dream and it might be a little far fetched but I will not give up on it. If I had $10,000 I would make my dreams come true by buying an older but running boat, ship it to Aruba, pay up a cheap apartment for 6 months and take tourists out on the boat snorkeling, tubing or just pleasure riding. In 6 months time I am pretty sure I could start a successful business and live humbly on the island that I love so much. With sunny weather, a constant cool breeze, turquoise waters and white sandy beaches what’s not to love? Of course this is only a dream of mine, but it is my dream and I like to imagine that one day it will come true. “Some may say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” If people laugh at your dreams don’t get discouraged, just remember that there are plenty of people who took the chance and are living their dream right now.

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