Sunday, June 17, 2012

Forever Friends

Most people would agree that friends come in and go out of our lives freely as we grow older. Someone we might have once referred to as our "best friend" may be nothing but a distant memory from a past now almost forgotten. But that is not to say that the friendship did not serve its purpose in that wrinkle of time. Friends sometimes grow with you as you age, remaining steadfast by your side. There is something special that connects these friends to you for life, like a tattoo on your heart...they are forever with you. Whatever trials and tribulations life throws your way, your forever friends will always be there to help carry you when you are weak and feel like giving up. They are your shoulder to cry on, will fight by your side, will make you laugh when you are sad, will lend a sympathetic ear, give you honest advice and will point you towards the light when your path has become too dark. They do not have to be physically in your life for you to feel their love and years can go by without speaking...only to have a conversation as if only minutes have passed. Feel blessed that these friends are in your life and take the time to show them how much you appreciate and love them. It is easy to get caught up in life and take the little things that we do for each other in kindness for granted. True friendship is a gift that should always be treasured and held close to your heart. Friends are the light that brighten our day, some lights may fade out but some will always remain.

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