Saturday, June 9, 2012

Push Back Against The Negative Energy

Life is not perfect and you are almost guaranteed to encounter negative people while you are on your path. You know the kind. They are always negative, looking at the worst in everything and trying to knock everyone around them down to their level. Each and every one of us is different...our spirits make us unique. We are all made of the same parts but each of us has something special inside of us that makes us who we are. We have the power to make decisions and think for ourselves. No one can make you unhappy but yourself. To give someone else control of your happiness is a powerful thing. You do not have to succumb to the negative energies around you. Rise above them and stay true to yourself. Feel pity for those who are not happy within themselves, but do not let them bring you down. Stay strong and rolling on the positive vibes...leave the negative energy behind you. This is the way to true happiness. ~OnElOvE~

1 comment:

  1. it's experience of life that makes us power full day by day and true that one love that we all shall be positive true our pads of our life that we live day by day to the devine inspiration and to know that there is some one out there who really cares and there is some one watching over us
