Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ghetto Cowboys

I wrote this piece for all the young thug niggas...out there dying for no reason...keep this with you... ~OneBlOoD~OnElOvE~

I sit and contemplate life as it seems,
All these muthafuckas doin' all these evil deeds,
I try to ignore...pretend it don't exist,
Watchin' young G's takin' unnecessary risks.
Runnin' they mouths to who?
They don't know.
Takin' a bullet for some chump change dough,
Packin' a pistol...walkin' down the street,
In their eyes a fire you see.
Don't give a fuck cuz they ain't got nuthin' left,
They thinkin' they above death.

Ghetto cowboys runnin' these streets,
Gonna live, eat, breath...die like a G,
They play by the code,
What else? They don't know,
Robbin, thievin, stealin', packin' heat, and selling blow.
One foots in the cradle,
The others in the grave,
Listen up young G...ya life you need to save.
Don't waste ya time...hustlin' a violent beat,
And keep ya eyes the company you keep.
It's alright to do ya own thang,
So chill on ya grind to  be the ghetto king,
Cuz you need to keep live ya life son,
You still a lil' G...Life's only just begun.

                                                   ~Lesley Ouellette

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