Monday, June 11, 2012

Don't Give Up On Love

My good friend said to me once...mi ta amor di halanan di angel,expresa den melodia nan fluido,cu emocion nan puro. This translates to...I am angel-wing love expressed in fluid melodies of the purest emotions. It is a beautiful metaphor but there is a sadness in his voice. To my friend I say...Love is a powerful thing, but it takes two to make it work. Never feel as though your life has been wasted waiting on a love that will never grow, the greatest gift is that you have felt true love, which many never experience. They say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, and this saying still remains true. Be grateful for the love that you have felt and a friendship that has grown over the years with the one that your heart desires. Do not penalize yourself for past mistakes and bad relationships...learn from them and use them to help you grow. There is someone out there for you and your destinies will collide, and when it happens nothing else in this world will matter. Don't beat yourself up and don't give up on love....your time will come. Don't spend your life chasing the ones who will not give you their whole heart back...because you just might miss out on finding one who will. I say to my friend...tene fe dushi i no give up den bo sonjo nan sonjo nan ta liguido i nunca cambia...nunca lubida esei. Which translates to...keep the faith dushi and don't give up on your dreams...dreams are liquid and ever changing...never forget that. Keep your head up and keep putting your positive energies out there. Mi ta sinti bo falta dushi <3

1 comment:

  1. I needed this having a rough time with love..why does it have to be so hard?? Thank love u
