Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Day That I Died

People often ponder the meaning of life and what our purpose here really is. We are fascinated by the unknown and what can not be explained. The majority of people go through life wondering if there is something else...and if so...what it is. Afraid of death because death is the is final. Most of the time. There are some of us who do not fear death because we know...we have been there and for whatever reason have come back. January 21st 2011 I died while giving birth to my son and was in a coma for 4 days from a condition known as an Amniotic Fluid Embolism. I have not looked at life the same way since. I am not sure if it was while I died or was in the coma but I am blessed enough to remember a little about my experience. There was not a bright white light like others have explained and my dead relatives were not there waiting for me. I was alone, yet unafraid and completely unconcerned where anyone else was, and instead of a bright white light I was surrounded by a soft yellow light. Like the soft yellow glow that the sun casts on the ocean as it is falling out of the sky...the carpet of heaven. Others appeared as I wandered around but I didn’t know them. While I was in this “other place” I could see myself in all different angles, through my own eyes or sometimes like I was a stranger watching myself. There were different times when I would say out loud, “I am going to pass out now, but it’s ok” and I would slowly fall to the floor and pass out. Then I would be there again. I went in and out of this “other world” many different times while my life literally teetered on the balance of life and death for most of the night that night. Since the chance of me surviving was about 1% at best the Chaplain was called to read me my last rights...but he never showed up! I have never been a religious person, but a miracle happened that night. I was shown that there is something else out there, and because of this I do not fear death, but I respect it. Maybe everyone’s “heaven” is different, I don’t know and will never pretend to know the answer. What I do know is that there is a light in each and every one of us and it has nothing to do with going to church every Sunday, or confessing your sins. It is a light that makes us unique, a light that forgives mistakes without asking for forgiveness. Practice love, patience and kindness in your heart and you will be rewarded. ~OnElOvE~


  1. A lovely tale Les! I remember sitting in that waiting room with your loved ones. Not sure if it was appropriate for me to be there. All I knew was that there were ones I loved as well sitting in that waiting room in tears and nerves all a mess; and that there was a person who I admired as a free spirit that brought the uninhibited side out in everyone she was around on the other side of the wall in a fight for her life. It was amazing to hear the peace you felt in that moment and I hope that others who have been in the waiting room on the other side of the wall where their loved one is fighting will be enlightened and delighted to know that their loved one is at peace within even tho to us it visually appears quite the opposite. So glad you are here, and it is because you have an infectious free spirit we must learn from your inabitions and from this experience of yours. :) -Heather W.

  2. Thank you Heather! And thank you for being there also :) I feel like it is important for others to know that their loved ones...even in a horrific state are at peace, and unaware of what is happening to them in the physical world. And for those who have loved ones who have passed or are having to say the final goodbye to a loved one will hopefully find some comfort in my words and experience. I feel like I am here to help inspire people and will continue to do so until I make that final walk up the carpet of heaven. Thank you for all the nice things you said about me...I will continue to just "be me" and to bring out the "kind side" in others :)
