Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Thank You to All the Veterans

There is so much power behind that word,
Because it's more than just a holiday observed.
It's a chance to say thank you,
To all who have fought,
Regardless if they signed up for war or not.
From mere boys,
Soldiers were made,
To protect, serve, and always stay brave.
And non of us could even imagine,
The horrors of war we can't even fathom.
It is important to remember,
That every vet has directly touched our life,
They are the reason we have peace,
And freedom of choice in our lives.
So take the time to say thank you,
When  you come across a vet,
We take so much for granted,
It can be easy to forget.
Veterans day for me,
Hits especially close to home,
Special thanks to my dad,
A Vietnam vet, my friend, and my hero.

~Lesley Ouellette
Veterans Day 2011

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