Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's With All The Rules?

I just learned that there is a town in Massachusetts that has recently passed a "no swearing in public" law which gives the police the authority to give out tickets for profanity...seriously? What happened to Freedom of Speech? It is only one of our Constitutional Rights, so important in fact that it is the very first amendment.  I feel like this is wrong on so many levels. Little by little they are taking away our freedoms and it seems as though everyone just sits back and watches it happen. It might not be very polite but if I want to tell someone to fuck off in public I should be able to without fear of being persecuted. What ever happened to common sense? It seems as though there is a law for everything nowadays.  As though we are incapable of making decisions about our own lives and well being. Is it that people are just too lazy or wrapped up in their own worlds that no one is paying attention to what it going on all around us? Conformity is for the weak minded and those of us who realize that are much better off. I myself will never conform to the whack ass rules and expectations that society tries to force on me. I am not a robot...I am a free-thinker. I have my own spirit and I will never change.

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