Friday, June 8, 2012

When You Find True Love

Have you ever met someone and the connection was so strong it almost knocked you off of your feet? Like you have known each other in a past life, or are anything but strangers to one another? To find the one that you can completely lose yourself in, yet still feel whole is a powerful thing. It seems as though we go through life blindly searching for for love and when it finally hits us it catches us off guard. If we are not awake it may pass us by as quickly as it came. But, if we are lucky enough to realize what is happening and seize the moment we will find true happiness and self fulfillment. Finding that one who moves you and you can't stand to be without is rare and should not be ignored. Sometimes life puts obstacles in our way but obstacles are only meant to slow you down, not stop you entirely. If you really believe in something strong enough then there is no mountain too high nor sea too far to keep you from your hearts desire.  ~OnELoVe~ 


  1. that's all true but when will it come when

    1. As soon as you stop looking for it and learn to love yourself as much as you love others :)poco poco dushi
