Thursday, June 14, 2012

Enjoying The View

An asteroid the size of a city block is going to pass by earth this Thursday. Although there is not really a risk of it crashing into earth it made me start thinking about how relatively small we all really are. In our own minds I think we sometimes feel that we are larger than life, but in all reality we are but dust in the universe. Appreciate the time you have here and take time to slow down and take in the view. There is beauty everywhere, but if you are too busy you will miss it entirely. It is easy to take this life for granted, yet the very next moment is not guaranteed.  The last thing you want to do is look back and think to yourself that you wish you had taken more time to enjoy the simple things in life. The smell of fresh cut grass, the beauty of a full moon on a clear night, a vibrant sunset, the simple and wonderful sounds of nature. Hug your loved ones a little bit harder next time you say goodbye, and give yourself permission to slow down and enjoy the view.

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